Truth Without Fiction

          If you read the school newspaper’s last issue, you were probably misled. The front page article entitled, "Fifteen minutes to be added to next year’s school day" did mention that teachers still have to ratify the agreement, but the word around school is that it is a done deal. As of April 7, 1994 no decisions have been made. Before we become roped into a compromise, let us consider the alternatives. The best of which is the nine period day. For those of you who have not experienced the benefits of a more flexible schedule we shall explain.
          Freedom of choice. Do you want a lunch next year? The opportunity to have a lunch, not the requirement. With a
eight plus lunch you will be forced, but with a full nine periods your schedule is in your hands.
          High School is a time when we should have the opportunity to explore different careers and ways of life. The electives and Vo-Tech programs allow us to experience different career paths. The more different things we experience, the better we are prepared to make choices in life. The nine period day allows us to choose more electives and make better use of the Vo-Tech program. This is because there are less scheduling conflicts and more open periods.
          What about sports? Next year, if the eight plus lunch goes through, extra-curricular activities will
start later because the school day will be fifteen minutes longer. Will sports end earlier? If you are a football player, you know they will not.
          Time is money. The time spent in school instead of at work will diminish. To the teacher, how many of you have a family to get home to? That is what we figured.
          The previous Board of Education that passed the eight period day was not willing to listen to the students or community. There is a new board now which is making steps in the right direction, but we need to tell them that direction. If you have not had the fulfillment of a nine period day talk a few upper class-men.


Did you know there is a new Student Government President? The old one resigned, we have to wonder why. The vice-president has taken over.

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