Welcome to the official archive of the RDFA.
This archive is dedicated to the memory of the Rude Dude Foundation of America, a student run underground group that worked to better the lives of students and teachers in Ridge High School in Basking Ridge, New Jersey, USA. The RDFA is a foundation in name only; not in any legal sense. Everything on this page and through its links is copyrighted. If you want to use anything herein, contact us first. If you have any comments and especially if you have in anecdotes or materials of the RDFA, send me a word or two at bill@ollav.com.
The RDFA started as a not so serious campaign organization for Bill Rood (as you can see in the campaign posters) when he ran for Student Body Vice-President, but turned into a very serious political organization. It functioned publicly by circulating one page newsletters, often to the administration's distress. Most of the newsletters were found four years after the disbanding of the RDFA in a lock box and are available below.
The RDFA was an underground organization and was not a terrorist group. Furthermore, it has never supported such groups. Although the frustration felt by violent student groups is similar to what the RDFA went through, it has never felt that violence was the answer. The RDFA stood for freeing minds and individuals. Terrorist activity results in police state like oppression, which the RDFA was strongly against.
In the summer of 1995 the RDFA was disbanded when most of its members graduated from Ridge High School; though, the RDFA did help an old friend briefly in 1996.
Bill Rood
Last updated:
July 1997 December 1999